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Time poor?

Try Cafe Chess

A fast paced chess game that can be

fought and won in a coffee break.


"Capture the Queen"

The goal is to capture your opponents Queen.

Easy to play as the pieces move as in standard chess.

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The Queen is the most powerful Chess piece. It moves along an unobstructed path any number of squares diagonally or orthogonally (horizontally or vertically).


The Knight can leap one square diagonally in all four directions and then 1 square orthogonally (horizontally or vertically). The Knight can jump over pieces to control up to eight squares.


The Castle moves in an unobstructed path any number of squares orthogonally (horizontally or vertically).


For its first move, a Pawn can move one or two  squares forward and after that, only one square forward at a time. A Pawn cannot move one square initially and then two squares afterward. When making an initial double move a Pawn cannot jump over other pieces. While Pawns move directly forward, they can only capture an opposing piece by moving one square forward diagonally.


Pawn Promotion: A Pawn may elect to either promote or remain a Pawn upon reaching the sixth rank. A Pawn can be promoted to any captured piece of the same colour. If no captured piece is available for promoting, a Pawn can stay on the sixth rank until a captured piece becomes available when he can promote.


En Passant: (Optional move). The principle for capturing an opposing Pawn en passant (in passing) in Cafe Chess remains the same as in Standard Chess. If a Pawn moves two squares initially and passes an opposing Pawn, the Pawn may be captured en passant. The opposing Pawn moves onto the square through which the Pawn moved. The capture must be made on the next move.

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